What do you want?

What do you really want?

When you’re unclear on what you want, you lose focus — chasing diversions from your true purpose and potential. And, when ego steps into that picture, it’s a disaster.  

Holiday asserts, “All of us waste precious life doing things we don’t like, to prove ourselves to people we don’t respect, and to get things we don’t want.”

Chasing distractions from your purpose and potential can cause you to become scattered, stretched, bankrupt, and even ruined.  

How do you get back on the right path again?  

It starts with developing a crystal clear understanding of what you want and moving on from there.  

Join us for our discussion on how to get clear on what you want and subsequently adhere to the best path forward while minimizing distractions and never losing focus on your priorities. 

Bill Cox

Bill is a credentialed and experienced Executive Coach. He has spent the last 20 years coaching thousands of leaders. Bill has a passion for helping leaders get to the next level and live intentional lives of influence. As a speaker, coach, and author, Bill places exceptional value on empowering leaders to thrive professionally and personally. Bill and his wife, Moey, reside in Pennsylvania, where they experience exceeding pleasure watching their son, Joel, grow into a modern-day knight.