What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?

What if you were just a few steps away from doing the impossible?

Sure, it may not feel like it from where you're at right now, but imagine with me...  

No matter how average, boring, and predictable life may feel, you may be just a few steps away from doing the impossible. 

And, doing the impossible begins with seizing the moment right before you.

I love this phrase from A.L. Patterson:

Start where you are – use what you have – and do what you can.

Consider the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright –

Orville and Wilbur were two siblings who loved to play, explore, and create together. If you could trace the germination of their creative seed to one specific moment in time, it may be when their father gave them a small toy helicopter (the kind with rubber bands and a wooden propellor) to play with as youngsters. They loved it – and played with it constantly – until the day it broke.  

What a strategic moment this was.  

Seizing the opportunity, the two boys built a copy of their toy helicopter to play with – and then more of them – eventually selling these toys to their friends. They were successful, leading them to build and sell kites to their friends. They did this while they were still kids!

After getting bit by the creative and entrepreneurial bug, these brothers started their first official business at 18 and 22. First, they opened a printing business, then a bike shop where bikes could be sold and fixed. 

All the while, they observed how things worked – and continued dreaming, creating, and seizing the opportunity in front of them – step by step and moment by moment. 

The young men became fascinated by the concepts of balance and control – how bicycles moved and functioned – and with their working knowledge of bearings, sprockets, chains, and wheels, they continued pushing the envelope.

They started experimenting with balance and control of bigger kites, then gliders using wind tunnels – growing in the knowledge of engineering and basic principles of flight.

You know how the story goes after that.

They went on to develop the first motorized airplane, which set sail in 1903, paving the way for modern aircraft engineering as we know it today.  

According to NASA, "Wilbur and Orville Wright, brilliant self-trained engineers, had overcome complex technical problems that had barred the way to mechanical flight for centuries."

Not too bad for a couple of boys who started out playing with a tiny toy helicopter, a hunger for creative exploration, and step-by-step seizing the opportunities right in front of them.

You may be just a few steps away from doing the impossible. And it all begins by taking action - one step at a time.

  • What will your first step be?

  • What do you have to work with right now?

  • What opportunities lie right in front of you TODAY?

Before you know it, you can be doing what you never dreamed possible – just by starting to take action on the opportunities at your fingertips.  

Impossibility is an illusion – because an unconfined imagination knows no impossibilities.

Audrey Hepburn says it best, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible!'"

Will you seize the moment at hand?

Will you capture today's opportunities?

Soon, you may join the ranks of the Wright brothers and find yourself doing the impossible.

Bill Cox

Bill is a credentialed and experienced Executive Coach. He has spent the last 20 years coaching thousands of leaders. Bill has a passion for helping leaders get to the next level and live intentional lives of influence. As a speaker, coach, and author, Bill places exceptional value on empowering leaders to thrive professionally and personally. Bill and his wife, Moey, reside in Pennsylvania, where they experience exceeding pleasure watching their son, Joel, grow into a modern-day knight.