life hacks

One hack to grow in self-awareness when talking

One hack to grow in self-awareness when talking

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for being a part of the leadership community we’re building at Bill Cox Coaching.

You are the best part of my job.

Watching you succeed in your field of expertise brings me incredible satisfaction.

I sign many of the emails I write to you with “for your growth” -- because I deeply desire to see you become all that God created you to be -- and I want to play a small part in helping you get to the next level.

And sometimes, I even get a front-row seat as you take a big step forward.

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

The world is full of things to do -- but how do you know what's best to do?

The answer lies in the word priorities. Our priorities should determine how we spend our time.

A great leader understands and works toward their priorities.

A great leader knows that he or she can do anything, but shouldn't do everything.

Are you living according to your priorities?

The TRUTH about Self Esteem

The TRUTH about Self Esteem

Did you know that ALL of life is impacted by the way you see yourself?

Your job, friendships, family dynamics, the relationships in your community, and your system of beliefs are ALL are impacted by both your self-image and self-esteem.

Nathaniel Branden says it like this, “No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves. Every aspect of their lives is impacted by the way they see themselves.