new year

What I wish I could go back in time to tell myself...

What I wish I could go back in time to tell myself...

If you had a time machine, what would you go back and tell yourself?

I’ve been thinking a whole lot about what I’d go back and tell myself if I had the chance.

As I wrote about before, reflection is a vitally important exercise (and it is a must for anyone truly looking to grow into their potential) because certain wisdom comes only from a hindsight perspective.

Think of how much the world has changed just in the past 12 months. If I could have a conversation with you from 12 months ago, I’ll bet you would affirm that time with family is to be treasured, health is a gift, and the world can change in a moment!

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

Last week, I shared an email with you about the importance of looking back on 2020's lessons -- and reflecting upon them. That was step one of a two-step process of planning for a prosperous new year.

Today, I want to share with you step two. This step is all about looking forward with intentionality. In the video below, I'll share with you "10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful."