
The truth about too much talking

The truth about too much talking

Lao Tsu once said, "Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know."

Too many words can get you into trouble -- and it's often an abundance of words that build and sustain egos.

Today's video is on chapter two of Ryan Holiday's Ego Is The Enemy. The chapter is called "Talk Talk Talk," and it centers around the idea that your walk needs to talk louder than your talk talks.

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

A few years back, Daniel Goleman sought out to discover what separated average employees from ones who did exceptional work. After surveying 188 companies, he found something quite intriguing.

Aside from technical skill and cognitive ability, there was one other characteristic that exceptional employees possessed.