
Are you frustrated and about to quit? 😤

Are you frustrated and about to quit? 😤

Are you discouraged when small, incremental changes don’t lead to big dividends?

Is it frustrating to have your desired future (job, marital status, education, goals, etc.) a long way away in the distance?

Is it worth it to keep exercising and eating right when the pounds don’t seem to be coming off?

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

For most people I work with, the process of figuring out a vision for their future can be challenging. My guess is, you may have struggled with this as well.

And while it may be challenging (anything worthwhile is...ANYTHING), taking the time to get clear on a vision for any area of your life that is really important to you is...really important! Why? Well, because a powerful and clear vision provides you with both the direction you need and the emotional fuel or "pull power" you need to pursue and ultimately realize it.

Without a compelling vision, well, it's like the adage says, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." I know many people who fill their lives with an astonishing amount of activity but are devoid of purpose and direction. They are kind of adrift at sea.

Why you should NOT worry about the future

Why you should NOT worry about the future

Can you imagine how you would react if six months before the Covid-19 pandemic someone told you that schools across our country would shut down, churches would be closed to worship, and the economy would grind to a halt?

How would you feel if you knew people would be confined indoors for long stretches, hospitals would have to prioritize who they can treat, masks would be required to go into public spaces, there would be a shortage of coins, and the "tiger king" would become an instant celebrity?

And, all of this would be due to a virus!

You would probably be like, "Yeah. That sounds like the storyline of a good science fiction movie like I Am Legend, but it won't happen in the real world."

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

I'm talking about your habits. And specifically, where are your habits taking you?

In his classic book, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen once wrote, "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

If that is true, then your habits are telling the story of your future.