
When Focus Is Essential

When Focus Is Essential

Consider this lesson from the jeweler's loupe…

I'm sure you've seen a jeweler's loupe before. A loupe is a handheld monocular device that allows the jeweler to inspect a jewel with greater clarity and precision due to the magnification it provides. A jeweler may look into a 10x loupe to judge the quality of the gem and look into a 30x loupe to inspect tiny cracks, blemishes, and imperfections.

Whichever magnification the jeweler chooses, one thing remains consistent -- a jeweler gets an up-close, focused, and undistracted view of the jewel. Every other visible facet of the outside world is filtered out, and the jeweler's attention can be focused and fixed on the subject at hand. The jeweler can set, repair, or improve upon the gem with that perspective.

Can you imagine if you had that same kind of focus on your goals?

Fact: What gets measured gets improved

Fact: What gets measured gets improved

Did you know that 60% of people make New Year's resolutions, but only 8% achieve them?

Ouch! I know you're not shocked by this, but most people who set New Year's resolutions don't achieve them. It seems so futile that most of the leaders I talk to have given up entirely on even making them. That's unfortunate because, if you're like me, you can quickly identify areas in your life where you genuinely want to experience real positive change.

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

For most people I work with, the process of figuring out a vision for their future can be challenging. My guess is, you may have struggled with this as well.

And while it may be challenging (anything worthwhile is...ANYTHING), taking the time to get clear on a vision for any area of your life that is really important to you is...really important! Why? Well, because a powerful and clear vision provides you with both the direction you need and the emotional fuel or "pull power" you need to pursue and ultimately realize it.

Without a compelling vision, well, it's like the adage says, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." I know many people who fill their lives with an astonishing amount of activity but are devoid of purpose and direction. They are kind of adrift at sea.