
Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

  • Are your co-workers for you? Are you for them?

  • Do they have your best interest in mind? Do you have theirs?

  • Do you show them grace? Do they offer you grace?

There is no environment quite like an environment of grace. In grace, you're free to try new things, to try again, fail, explore, learn, and grow. You can just be you. The freedom you feel in a grace-based environment is unparalleled – but like all freedoms, they aren't free.

An environment of grace comes at the cost of vulnerability. And for many leaders, that price is too steep to pay.

When the holiday season isn't so bright

When the holiday season isn't so bright

As we draw near to Christmas, I'm reminded that not all of us approach the holiday season in the same way.

For some people, the holiday season is a light at the end of a year-long tunnel that they look forward to with great anticipation. Friends and family --along with turkey and mistletoe "make the season's bright" -- as the old carol says.

For others, the light the holidays bring may be more like the light of an oncoming train that's about to hit.