bad habits

Three Keys to Building Healthy Habits

Three Keys to Building Healthy Habits

If you’ve read the first two emails in this series on habits, we’ve covered what habits are and why bad habits are hard to break. Hopefully, you have taken some time to list your habits and describe where they may be leading you.

Today, I want to expand upon these thoughts and talk about how you can start replacing the old (and unhealthy) habits with new (and healthy) habits geared toward your success. These new habits will position you to realize your full potential and thrive across all of life.

There are many keys to building successful habits. Today, I want to focus on three that will provide you with a ton of leverage as you begin to make these essential changes.

What makes bad habits so hard to break?

What makes bad habits so hard to break?

I'm guessing that you have a habit (if not several) that you would love to break up with permanently. But how?

Why does it feel so impossible to dump bad habits?

Why is it that we can stop for a little while, and then the habit creeps back in and regains a foothold?

Well, the short answer is that…

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

I'm talking about your habits. And specifically, where are your habits taking you?

In his classic book, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen once wrote, "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

If that is true, then your habits are telling the story of your future.