Four simple ways to reduce distraction and increase productivity

Four simple ways to reduce distraction and increase productivity

On a scale of 1-5, how well do you get (and stay) focused at work?

To what degree do you find it difficult to stay mentally focused on any one task for extended periods of time?  When was the last time you can point to that you were able to “get in the zone” and be truly productive for an extended period of time?  You know.  Those moments when you look up at the clock after working on a project for a while and say to yourself, “Wow!  I can’t believe it.  Two hours have gone by and feels like five minutes.”

As I began my morning scripture reading, affirmations, and reflection the other day, I realized how challenged I am.  I literally had to reread one particular passage 5-7 times before I could truly focus on the message.  I’ll bet you can relate.

Thoughts of what I needed to do, appointments I anticipated, and responsibilities I needed to take care of kept me bombarding my mind.  It felt like I was experiencing the phenomena that author John Ortberg describes as “the monkeys are jumping around in the trees”.  Ha!  You know what I’m saying?  And that was BEFORE I started my workday.

It’s no secret that we are growing increasingly distracted with the rise of social media, the always-on mentality of email and cell phone communication, and the hurried paces of our lives. 

But do we stop to consider the actual cost of distraction and how to protect ourselves against it?  

Do THIS if you feel overwhelmed ☑️

Do THIS if you feel overwhelmed ☑️

When the alarm went off this morning, did you want to pull the covers back over your head and not face the day?

Is there a challenge you are facing that you feel STUCK in? 

Feeling stuck stinks. We say this all the time in coaching.

Yet, because of the unique challenges of leadership, it’s easy to get stuck. 

The Power of Thank You Notes

The Power of Thank You Notes

Behind my desk is a shelf where I keep a few special treasures.

These treasures aren’t of significant monetary value, but to me, they’re worth their weight in gold. 

On this shelf, I keep a handful of thank-you notes that I’ve received from people who are incredibly important to me.

Why do I keep them?  

How to motivate an unmotivated person

How to motivate an unmotivated person

Is there someone in your workplace who isn’t pulling their weight?

Or how about at home? 

Do you know a couch surfer – or someone who’d rather operate the remote than the dishwasher?  

Let’s face it – we’ve all known an unmotivated person at one time or another – and if we’re honest, we’ve all probably felt unmotivated at one point in our life. 

So whether you are feeling unmotivated at this moment – or are looking to motivate someone who seems unmotivated, the question becomes – how do you motivate an unmotivated person?   

You're happier when...

You're happier when...

Everyone wants to be happier. I believe this to my core, yet sometimes we are unsure how to become happier. 


Becoming happier doesn't have to be complicated. 

The science behind happiness shows us that you're happier when you make choices that promote the release of the brain's "happy chemicals."


These chemicals are endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

Here's a summary of what we've learned about the brain's "happy chemicals" and a dozen science-based and actionable steps you can take to become happier TODAY.

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

We all want to become happier. 


Don't believe me? 


A record 352 billion dollars is forecasted to be spent this year alone on advertising. Knowing this, consider all of the advertisements you see daily for products, vacations, relationships, careers, investments, and other means of pleasure, contentment, and happiness. 


If your feed looks like my feed, you'll find a lot of paths to happiness through the marketing coming at you!


But what if the true path to happiness was much more straightforward – more scientific and biological even?  

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

When was the last time you were genuinely joyful at work? 

I'm not talking about simply being content, happy, or even satisfied with your job – but truly joyful at work. 

It seems from many coaching conversations lately that joy is much needed in today's workspaces. 

The lack of joy is everywhere.  

I don't need to explain to you what joylessness turns into. I'm sure you understand (and may have even experienced) the effects of joylessness at one point or another. 

But let's focus on joy today and how to develop it at work. 

3 Reasons to define your WHY

3 Reasons to define your WHY

Do you know your WHY? What is the unique purpose of your life?

John Maxwell once said, "When you find your why, you find your way." 

It's true – and you've heard me quote this before. 

Yet, finding your why can be challenging. And when things get complicated, sometimes people quit trying to figure them out. 

What are you really saying? 👀

What are you really saying? 👀

The other day I heard that old country song with the lyrics, “You say it best when you say nothing at all.”


Remember that one? 


It’s genuinely a sappy love song – but there’s a lot of truth to its statement. 


Have you ever stopped to consider what you are saying – without saying anything at all? 


Namely, what are your posture, mannerisms, countenance, and actions communicating to those around you? 

The greatest day in history

The greatest day in history

Today, I wanted to break from my usual routine of sending you helpful hints along your leadership journey and send you a pertinent message to your more significant journey -- the journey of life.

And as a head's up, I am writing to you on a very personal level today. I am talking about something very near and dear to my heart -- my faith. I respect wherever you may be on the faith continuum (and even if you're not on it at all), but today I want to share a core part of what makes me, me. 


I don't know your upbringing, and I don't pretend to know how easy or difficult your life was through your formative years.

Discover your "Why" by completing these 7 statements

Discover your "Why" by completing these 7 statements

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t know what to do next? 

  • Maybe you were presented with an opportunity – but didn’t know if it was right for you.

  • Maybe you lost something valuable and didn’t know how (or if it were possible) to get it back.

  • Perhaps you feel stuck in a neverending cycle of frustration or defeat.

The feelings of confusion or frustration generated by these situations can be paralyzing – and they can get you stuck.  

And stuck stinks. 

However, getting stuck is not the end of the story.

My top 10 reading list for 2023

My top 10 reading list for 2023

There are so many incredible books to read! 

It is astounding to walk into a bookstore and see the walls full of every type of genre, both current and classic. The availability of literature is incomparable to any other time in human history.

Consider the advantages our generation has: 

  • Our libraries are full. 

  • The internet is at our fingertips. 

  • Books are available to read on our electronic devices (nooks, kindles, Ipads).

  • Services like Blinkist will condense entire books into 15-minute chunks.

  • You can even have a manuscript read to you through sites like Audible – sometimes even by the author who penned the words! 

It’s a little overwhelming to think about all the great books out there – and the ways to consume them. 

That’s why I created a book list -- to be intentional about growing in certain areas.

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Have you ever been a part of a team that lacked trust or failed to connect?  


For various reasons, some teams never connect and develop the trust necessary to build a positive and engaging work environment. 


However, some teams are fortunate enough to develop trust -- and the benefits of being on a trusting and connected team are tremendous. 

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

Do you remember a time when you walked through a really difficult situation? 


Can you recall what helped to make it better? Or rather, WHO helped to make it better?


If you’ve been alive for any length of time, you understand the importance of building relationships and having friends. Our need for interconnectedness is no secret. 


Part of why I love the work of psychologist and author Dr. Henry Cloud is that he combines the latest in brain research with his work in psychology. And the newest brain research confirms that we require connections with other human beings to function correctly. Said in another way, to function optimally, we need people to connect with.