3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

We all want to become happier. 


Don't believe me? 


A record 352 billion dollars is forecasted to be spent this year alone on advertising. Knowing this, consider all of the advertisements you see daily for products, vacations, relationships, careers, investments, and other means of pleasure, contentment, and happiness. 


If your feed looks like my feed, you'll find a lot of paths to happiness through the marketing coming at you!


But what if the true path to happiness was much more straightforward – more scientific and biological even?  


If that's true, this blog could even save you a few dollars!  


Let's talk more about what makes you happy. 


*And note – this third installment of exploring this topic. If you've missed the last two installments, you can catch up by reading them on my blog – (June 2nd and June 7th's posts)*


As we stated last week, inside your body are four primary chemicals that create positive feelings – or happiness. They are endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These chemicals are uniquely released at different times and under different circumstances. 


In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek says,

"Whether acting alone or in concert, in small doses or large, anytime we feel any sense of happiness or joy, odds are it is because one or more of these chemicals is coursing through our veins." 


So happiness comes as you create environments for these chemicals to be released.   


Today, let's talk about serotonin and how to experience its effects. 


Serotonin is (like dopamine) a neurotransmitter that carries messages between your brain and your nerve cells – and according to the Cleveland Clinic, it "plays several roles in your body, including influencing learning, memory, happiness as well as regulating body temperature, sleep, sexual behavior and hunger."


When serotonin is released, you feel a sense of pride, accomplishment, and happiness. Again Simon Sinek notes, "It is the feeling we get when we perceive that others like or respect us."


  • A high school graduate walking across the stage with a diploma in their hand in front of proud parents feels the effects of serotonin.

  • A baseball player crossing home plate to cheering fans and teammates is also experiencing the serotonin flow. 

  • A parent watching their child take their first steps or step off the school bus for the first time also knows the sense of pride that serotonin creates. 


Pride, accomplishment, and the feeling of being liked all trigger happiness inside of us due to serotonin. 


Knowing this, here are a few simple and practical ways to increase your serotonin levels:


  • Complete a goal that you've made public. When you finish something you've worked so hard to accomplish, and others recognize it, you feel the effects of serotonin. That feeling of accomplishment and achievement indicates that you've got serotonin flowing. As you take pride in your work, go the distance to finish what you start, and feel the recognition from your peers, you'll experience a level of happiness from a serotonin release. And if you haven't yet made a goal public, an excellent first step to take would be to talk about your goal with a trusted friend. Let them know what you hope to accomplish. As they cheer you on toward achievement, you'll feel serotonin's happiness.


  • If you can, do a workout. When you weight-lift, bike ride, or go for an extended jog/run, your body releases an amino acid called tryptophan which your brain converts into serotonin. If you've been putting off starting that workout routine, what are you waiting for? Take that first step and feel the pull-power from the Serotonin release.


  • Get some sunshine. Spending time in the sun (or in bright light) is another natural way to increase serotonin levels. Have you heard of the seasonal blues? A drop in serotonin levels sometimes causes this. If you want to be happier, go someplace sunny and spend some time outdoors. Hmm – maybe there really is something to ocean therapy? 


As you increase your serotonin levels, you'll find that you'll naturally feel happier.  


So, maybe it's time to book that vacation to Hawaii. I saw a fantastic advertisement for the Honolulu Marathon happening this December! Why not go big on releasing serotonin? :)

Bill Cox

Bill is a credentialed and experienced Executive Coach. He has spent the last 20 years coaching thousands of leaders. Bill has a passion for helping leaders get to the next level and live intentional lives of influence. As a speaker, coach, and author, Bill places exceptional value on empowering leaders to thrive professionally and personally. Bill and his wife, Moey, reside in Pennsylvania, where they experience exceeding pleasure watching their son, Joel, grow into a modern-day knight.