
Flipping the Script: How Affirmations Can Replace Toxic Thoughts

Flipping the Script: How Affirmations Can Replace Toxic Thoughts

Positive affirmations are simple yet powerful statements that you can repeat to yourself daily to shift your perspective and focus on the good.

When we are constantly bombarded with negativity - whether it be from our own inner critic or external sources - it can be easy to get caught in a spiral of self-doubt and negative self-talk. But by intentionally choosing to focus on positive affirmations, we can rewire our brains to think more positively and build our confidence.

The most important moments of your morning

The most important moments of your morning

It's 5 AM, and you hear your alarm going off -- what do you do?  

Do you hit the snooze button a few times or begin your morning routine? 

I know what you're thinking…" Bill, 5 AM is really early!"  

Yes, it is, especially on a Friday! But hear this - the time you wake up isn't necessarily important -- but waking up early enough to have a few quiet, intentional moments to start your day before being interrupted is. 

Why is this important? 

Well, having a solid morning routine can set you up for a wildly productive day -- and not having one can set you back.  

Do THIS if you feel overwhelmed ☑️

Do THIS if you feel overwhelmed ☑️

When the alarm went off this morning, did you want to pull the covers back over your head and not face the day?

Is there a challenge you are facing that you feel STUCK in? 

Feeling stuck stinks. We say this all the time in coaching.

Yet, because of the unique challenges of leadership, it’s easy to get stuck. 

The Power of Thank You Notes

The Power of Thank You Notes

Behind my desk is a shelf where I keep a few special treasures.

These treasures aren’t of significant monetary value, but to me, they’re worth their weight in gold. 

On this shelf, I keep a handful of thank-you notes that I’ve received from people who are incredibly important to me.

Why do I keep them?  

How to motivate an unmotivated person

How to motivate an unmotivated person

Is there someone in your workplace who isn’t pulling their weight?

Or how about at home? 

Do you know a couch surfer – or someone who’d rather operate the remote than the dishwasher?  

Let’s face it – we’ve all known an unmotivated person at one time or another – and if we’re honest, we’ve all probably felt unmotivated at one point in our life. 

So whether you are feeling unmotivated at this moment – or are looking to motivate someone who seems unmotivated, the question becomes – how do you motivate an unmotivated person?   

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.


What a powerful, true statement. 


Why is it true?  


It's true because what you think about shapes what you do, and what you do shapes who you become -- and ultimately steers your life.

You're happier when...

You're happier when...

Everyone wants to be happier. I believe this to my core, yet sometimes we are unsure how to become happier. 


Becoming happier doesn't have to be complicated. 

The science behind happiness shows us that you're happier when you make choices that promote the release of the brain's "happy chemicals."


These chemicals are endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

Here's a summary of what we've learned about the brain's "happy chemicals" and a dozen science-based and actionable steps you can take to become happier TODAY.

The simple things that make us happy 🐕

The simple things that make us happy 🐕

Why are Hallmark Christmas movies so enticing? What is the draw to these cheesy and predictable stories? 


You're probably thinking, "Bill, Christmas is still six months away – it's way too early to talk about the Hallmark channel." 

I agree, but check this out...


Hallmark has discovered a way to repeat a storyline a million times over and still keep people enthralled and tuning in – time and time again.  


What's their secret?

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

We all want to become happier. 


Don't believe me? 


A record 352 billion dollars is forecasted to be spent this year alone on advertising. Knowing this, consider all of the advertisements you see daily for products, vacations, relationships, careers, investments, and other means of pleasure, contentment, and happiness. 


If your feed looks like my feed, you'll find a lot of paths to happiness through the marketing coming at you!


But what if the true path to happiness was much more straightforward – more scientific and biological even?  

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

What causes happiness?


  • Do you need to go somewhere to find it?

  • Is it a dollar amount at the end of a bank statement?

  • Is happiness an achievement?  

  • Is it found in a new (or restored) relationship?

  • Is happiness found in time away, time alone, or time with a loved one? 

Any of these experiences or places can lead to a happy feeling – which we often crave. But happiness isn't any of those things – but rather a response to what is happening in your biologically when you experience examples like the ones above. 

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

When was the last time you were genuinely joyful at work? 

I'm not talking about simply being content, happy, or even satisfied with your job – but truly joyful at work. 

It seems from many coaching conversations lately that joy is much needed in today's workspaces. 

The lack of joy is everywhere.  

I don't need to explain to you what joylessness turns into. I'm sure you understand (and may have even experienced) the effects of joylessness at one point or another. 

But let's focus on joy today and how to develop it at work. 

3 Reasons to define your WHY

3 Reasons to define your WHY

Do you know your WHY? What is the unique purpose of your life?

John Maxwell once said, "When you find your why, you find your way." 

It's true – and you've heard me quote this before. 

Yet, finding your why can be challenging. And when things get complicated, sometimes people quit trying to figure them out. 

What are you really saying? 👀

What are you really saying? 👀

The other day I heard that old country song with the lyrics, “You say it best when you say nothing at all.”


Remember that one? 


It’s genuinely a sappy love song – but there’s a lot of truth to its statement. 


Have you ever stopped to consider what you are saying – without saying anything at all? 


Namely, what are your posture, mannerisms, countenance, and actions communicating to those around you? 

How to find motivation, when you're feeling unmotivated. 🚶

How to find motivation, when you're feeling unmotivated. 🚶

What happens when you need to be motivated but can't find the power to get up and get going


What happens when it's just a struggle to find the want to be motivated? 


Some of us find this especially true when it comes to personal growth. 


We all have seasons where we are more or less motivated to take the action we need to take. 

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Have you ever been a part of a team that lacked trust or failed to connect?  


For various reasons, some teams never connect and develop the trust necessary to build a positive and engaging work environment. 


However, some teams are fortunate enough to develop trust -- and the benefits of being on a trusting and connected team are tremendous. 

Instead of telling people what you do, try this...

Instead of telling people what you do, try this...

How do you answer the question, "So, what do you do for a living?"

I can't tell you how many times I've felt like a deer caught in the headlights with that question. But, I always knew that simply telling people what I "did" wasn't enough.

I used to tell people, "I'm a coach." because that's what I do. That's my title. But more often than not, I'd be asked, "What sport? Or "What team do you coach?" as a follow-up. And then, after seeing their confused head tilt, I'd explain that I'm a leadership coach and describe what I do.

You’ve just been invited to a networking event, now what? 😧

You’ve just been invited to a networking event, now what? 😧

Imagine you were just invited to a networking event – are you prepared for it?


I'm not talking about having crisp new QR business cards or perfectly shined shoes to walk in with. 


I'm talking about being prepared to make a great first impression. First impressions matter, and probably more than you think.