positive attitude

Flipping the Script: How Affirmations Can Replace Toxic Thoughts

Flipping the Script: How Affirmations Can Replace Toxic Thoughts

Positive affirmations are simple yet powerful statements that you can repeat to yourself daily to shift your perspective and focus on the good.

When we are constantly bombarded with negativity - whether it be from our own inner critic or external sources - it can be easy to get caught in a spiral of self-doubt and negative self-talk. But by intentionally choosing to focus on positive affirmations, we can rewire our brains to think more positively and build our confidence.

3 Steps You Can Take To Become More Positive

3 Steps You Can Take To Become More Positive

Have you noticed that some people weather the storms of life better than others?

It seems that their boat doesn't rock too much even though they're sailing through a tempest.

As someone who has gone through many difficult seasons and circumstances, I know the pain and hurt these storms can cause -- and undoubtedly, EVERYONE faces them. However, the secret lies in HOW you encounter them.

Choosing THIS will improve every area of your life

Choosing THIS will improve every area of your life

Every day, you and I make choices that impact our lives. However, certain choices have disproportionate effects on life.

Research has consistently shown that if you choose to improve THIS:

  • You will become more successful at work.

  • You will grow in resilience.

  • Your health will improve, and you will have a decreased risk of dying from serious diseases.

8 Ways to Begin Improving Your Attitude TODAY

My friend,

I have good news for you. 

No matter what happens today, YOU have the power to change your attitude.  It is a precious freedom you hold -- and one that I hope you exercise often. 

Viktor Frankl says it best, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

What will you choose today? 

If you are struggling to keep a positive attitude and are looking to make an attitude upgrade, I made a resource video just for you.   

In this short video, I share eight ways that absolutely anyone can begin improving their attitude today.  

It’s quick, practical, and helpful. 

#7 is my favorite.  

Which one is most valuable to you?  

Please take three minutes to watch it, and let me know!