
3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

We all want to become happier. 


Don't believe me? 


A record 352 billion dollars is forecasted to be spent this year alone on advertising. Knowing this, consider all of the advertisements you see daily for products, vacations, relationships, careers, investments, and other means of pleasure, contentment, and happiness. 


If your feed looks like my feed, you'll find a lot of paths to happiness through the marketing coming at you!


But what if the true path to happiness was much more straightforward – more scientific and biological even?  

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever been locked in a dull rhythm or circumstance where you couldn’t find your way out? 


I know I have.  


I remember going through a season where I knew I needed a change but didn’t know what that change was. I remember feeling like I was going through the motions daily while slowly dying on the inside. That season was painful – and one that I won’t ever forget.


I’ve said it before – stuck stinks. So if you’re feeling stuck today, I empathize with you. 

10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

At this time of the year, it's natural to step back and reflect. As you recount the old year and begin counting down to the new year, questions like this naturally arise:

  • How are things different than they were a year ago?

  • Am I becoming more of who I want to be?

  • Is there an area of my life that I am still struggling with?

You may be thinking through some of these questions today.

And it's so easy when your self-reflecting to go negative – especially when the year hasn't gone as planned.

Today's thoughts influence tomorrow's outcomes 💭

Today's thoughts influence tomorrow's outcomes 💭

Today's thoughts influence tomorrow's outcomes.

Recently, I listened to an interview with author Ryan Holiday. During the interview, Ryan talked about two particular phrases that were incredibly meaningful to him – so much so that he tattooed them on his arm.

His tattoos read “The Obstacle Is The Way” and “Ego Is The Enemy.”

Interestingly enough, he had these tattoos BEFORE they became the titles of two of his best-selling books.

What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?

What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?

What if you were just a few steps away from doing the impossible?

Sure, it may not feel like it from where you're at right now, but imagine with me...

No matter how average, boring, and predictable life may feel, you may be just a few steps away from doing the impossible.

And, doing the impossible begins with seizing the moment right before you.

This may be biggest issue standing between you and the success you seek

This may be biggest issue standing between you and the success you seek

Most leaders I know desire to remain as sharp as possible.

That is why we talk a lot about the importance of reading books, attending conferences, spending time with mentors/raving fans, and other practices that encourage personal growth.

But one practice often gets overlooked -- probably because of how simple it is.

The pitfalls of thinking about yourself too much

The pitfalls of thinking about yourself too much

Have you ever been told to get out of your head? Or that you are too consumed with what other people think about you?

If that sounds like a piece of advice you’ve been given, then today’s #vlog is for you.

As a leader, it’s easy to get trapped in your own head -- to let your thoughts about yourself and what others think about you consume your attention. And when this happens, you begin living in what Ryan Holiday calls “passionate fiction” instead of actual reality.

What will define you from this point forward?

What will define you from this point forward?

I love this quote from Hal Elrod: "Always remember that where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment on."

You and I have had bad things happen to us. Undoubtedly, you've seen failure, struggle, and challenges that shape who you are right now. Some of those things you had no control over. And, some you've caused yourself.

And the struggle (or fear) that often accompanies these bad things -- is that they will define your life.

I have good news for you today.

Why you should choose value over success 🎯

Why you should choose value over success 🎯

How would you define success?

Does success come after gaining a particular title, level of education, entrance into a certain tax bracket, or having a certain number of staff people underneath you?

Or perhaps does success rest on a certain number of followers, a certified social media profile, or a viral number of views, likes, or plays?

You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family...and why that matters

You can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family...and why that matters

Talk to me about your family.

What was life like for you as a kid? What were your parents like? What kind of environment did they create for your family? How did communication work? How were decisions made? What did family life center around?

The answers to these questions may have had more of an impact on you than you think!

8 Ways to Begin Improving Your Attitude TODAY

My friend,

I have good news for you. 

No matter what happens today, YOU have the power to change your attitude.  It is a precious freedom you hold -- and one that I hope you exercise often. 

Viktor Frankl says it best, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

What will you choose today? 

If you are struggling to keep a positive attitude and are looking to make an attitude upgrade, I made a resource video just for you.   

In this short video, I share eight ways that absolutely anyone can begin improving their attitude today.  

It’s quick, practical, and helpful. 

#7 is my favorite.  

Which one is most valuable to you?  

Please take three minutes to watch it, and let me know!

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

Before launching my business several years ago, I wondered if I had what it takes to build a business. I don't have a business degree -- and I didn't have a surplus of money to make mistakes with.

At times, I questioned my abilities, doubted my capabilities, and wondered if I could build a business that would be profitable -- and one that I would be proud to lead.

Deep down, I had faith that this is what I was supposed to do -- and at times (in particularly rough seasons), it was this faith that I relied on to keep me building an organization that now I am very proud of…

The Power of Infectious Positivity

The Power of Infectious Positivity

Tell me about the narrative running inside your mind.

James Allen says, “A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.”

What kind of things do you say to yourself about yourself?

Often, we say things to ourselves that we’d never let another person say to us. Fear, hurt, dissatisfaction, and discouragement will lead us into some dark places if we’re not careful.

However, the opposite is also true.