hal elrod

The most important moments of your morning

The most important moments of your morning

It's 5 AM, and you hear your alarm going off -- what do you do?  

Do you hit the snooze button a few times or begin your morning routine? 

I know what you're thinking…" Bill, 5 AM is really early!"  

Yes, it is, especially on a Friday! But hear this - the time you wake up isn't necessarily important -- but waking up early enough to have a few quiet, intentional moments to start your day before being interrupted is. 

Why is this important? 

Well, having a solid morning routine can set you up for a wildly productive day -- and not having one can set you back.  

What will define you from this point forward?

What will define you from this point forward?

I love this quote from Hal Elrod: "Always remember that where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment on."

You and I have had bad things happen to us. Undoubtedly, you've seen failure, struggle, and challenges that shape who you are right now. Some of those things you had no control over. And, some you've caused yourself.

And the struggle (or fear) that often accompanies these bad things -- is that they will define your life.

I have good news for you today.