The most important moments of your morning

The most important moments of your morning

It's 5 AM, and you hear your alarm going off -- what do you do?  

Do you hit the snooze button a few times or begin your morning routine? 

I know what you're thinking…" Bill, 5 AM is really early!"  

Yes, it is, especially on a Friday! But hear this - the time you wake up isn't necessarily important -- but waking up early enough to have a few quiet, intentional moments to start your day before being interrupted is. 

Why is this important? 

Well, having a solid morning routine can set you up for a wildly productive day -- and not having one can set you back.  

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.


What a powerful, true statement. 


Why is it true?  


It's true because what you think about shapes what you do, and what you do shapes who you become -- and ultimately steers your life.

The simple things that make us happy 🐕

The simple things that make us happy 🐕

Why are Hallmark Christmas movies so enticing? What is the draw to these cheesy and predictable stories? 


You're probably thinking, "Bill, Christmas is still six months away – it's way too early to talk about the Hallmark channel." 

I agree, but check this out...


Hallmark has discovered a way to repeat a storyline a million times over and still keep people enthralled and tuning in – time and time again.  


What's their secret?

The true cost of a toxic work environment 💣

The true cost of a toxic work environment 💣

Do you dread going to work in the morning?


Is your work environment toxic?


The latest brain research shows significant adverse effects spring from a toxic work environment -- and it may be costing you (and your team) more than you know.

Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek says,

"Whether acting alone or in concert, in small doses or large, anytime we feel any sense of happiness or joy, odds are it is because one or more of these chemicals is coursing through our veins." 


So in the quest for happiness, you must ask yourself, how can I create an environment to release these chemicals? 


Let's talk more about that today – and specifically dopamine. 

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

What causes happiness?


  • Do you need to go somewhere to find it?

  • Is it a dollar amount at the end of a bank statement?

  • Is happiness an achievement?  

  • Is it found in a new (or restored) relationship?

  • Is happiness found in time away, time alone, or time with a loved one? 

Any of these experiences or places can lead to a happy feeling – which we often crave. But happiness isn't any of those things – but rather a response to what is happening in your biologically when you experience examples like the ones above. 

3 Key Principles to Crush 2023

3 Key Principles to Crush 2023

We're five days into 2023 -- how are your resolutions coming?

We sincerely hope that your year is off to a great start -- and that this year will be full of growth, success, and truly living the legacy you hope to one day leave behind.

One of the gifts of starting a new year -- is the opportunity to reflect, regroup and restart the growth process once again.  

When to keep your mouth shut.

When to keep your mouth shut.

What was the best advice your parents offered you when growing up?

Parents are known for offering pithy pointers to their kids. -- and if you're like me, then you can easily finish these classic examples of parent-isms:

  • When life gives you lemons…(make lemonade)

  • A little dirt never…(killed anyone)

  • Stop crying or I'll give you something…(to cry about)

  • You catch more flies with honey…(than vinegar)

  • If ifs and buts were candies and nuts… we'd all have a good time (I've shared this with my son more times than I can remember)

This may be biggest issue standing between you and the success you seek

This may be biggest issue standing between you and the success you seek

Most leaders I know desire to remain as sharp as possible.

That is why we talk a lot about the importance of reading books, attending conferences, spending time with mentors/raving fans, and other practices that encourage personal growth.

But one practice often gets overlooked -- probably because of how simple it is.

When Focus Is Essential

When Focus Is Essential

Consider this lesson from the jeweler's loupe…

I'm sure you've seen a jeweler's loupe before. A loupe is a handheld monocular device that allows the jeweler to inspect a jewel with greater clarity and precision due to the magnification it provides. A jeweler may look into a 10x loupe to judge the quality of the gem and look into a 30x loupe to inspect tiny cracks, blemishes, and imperfections.

Whichever magnification the jeweler chooses, one thing remains consistent -- a jeweler gets an up-close, focused, and undistracted view of the jewel. Every other visible facet of the outside world is filtered out, and the jeweler's attention can be focused and fixed on the subject at hand. The jeweler can set, repair, or improve upon the gem with that perspective.

Can you imagine if you had that same kind of focus on your goals?

There are so many great books. Where do you start?

There are so many great books. Where do you start?

There are so many great books to read and so little time!

There are so many great books to read -- how do you know where to start? If you’re like me, going to Amazon to look for an excellent book is like opening up Pandora’s box. It’s like getting sucked into a black hole from which you fear you might not return. It can be overwhelming.

And “overwhelm” is one of the most significant challenges I tackle with my coaching clients. Heck! It’s one of the biggest challenges I face in my own life. Why? Well, when you feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start, you freeze. You assume the fetal position. You stay stuck. You retreat and choose to do nothing.

When the holiday season isn't so bright

When the holiday season isn't so bright

As we draw near to Christmas, I'm reminded that not all of us approach the holiday season in the same way.

For some people, the holiday season is a light at the end of a year-long tunnel that they look forward to with great anticipation. Friends and family --along with turkey and mistletoe "make the season's bright" -- as the old carol says.

For others, the light the holidays bring may be more like the light of an oncoming train that's about to hit.