workplace satisfaction

The true cost of a toxic work environment 💣

The true cost of a toxic work environment 💣

Do you dread going to work in the morning?


Is your work environment toxic?


The latest brain research shows significant adverse effects spring from a toxic work environment -- and it may be costing you (and your team) more than you know.

How to build a more positive work environment💡

How to build a more positive work environment💡

Statistically speaking, the average employed person spends 8.10 hours per day on the job.   


That’s 2,106 hours per year – and in other words, a really long time to be in a work environment. 


Knowing this, how do you feel when you walk into your office?

  • Are you excited about the day? 

  • Are you anxious or nervous about what will take place?  

  • Are you looking forward to who you’ll connect with?  

  • Are you keeping your head down so your coworkers don’t notice you’re there? 

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

Are you looking to find more joy in your work? Try this...

When was the last time you were genuinely joyful at work? 

I'm not talking about simply being content, happy, or even satisfied with your job – but truly joyful at work. 

It seems from many coaching conversations lately that joy is much needed in today's workspaces. 

The lack of joy is everywhere.  

I don't need to explain to you what joylessness turns into. I'm sure you understand (and may have even experienced) the effects of joylessness at one point or another. 

But let's focus on joy today and how to develop it at work.