leader mindset

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

Before launching my business several years ago, I wondered if I had what it takes to build a business. I don't have a business degree -- and I didn't have a surplus of money to make mistakes with.

At times, I questioned my abilities, doubted my capabilities, and wondered if I could build a business that would be profitable -- and one that I would be proud to lead.

Deep down, I had faith that this is what I was supposed to do -- and at times (in particularly rough seasons), it was this faith that I relied on to keep me building an organization that now I am very proud of…

Legacy Quotes | Peter Drucker

Legacy Quotes | Peter Drucker

Did you know that the average American works 44 hours per week, or 8.8 hours per day, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics? That's 2,288 hours per year! It's safe to say that work takes up much of our lives.

With so much of your life spent at work, I hope you enjoy what you do, and are valued by those you work with.

Let me ask you a question about your work experience.

Did you hear? Live2Lead 2020 will be VIRTUAL!

Did you hear?  Live2Lead 2020 will be VIRTUAL!

It’s no secret that we’ve all had to shift and pivot over the last 6 months. Some pivots have yielded great returns and ideas, and one of these pivots I’m writing about today.

With the lack of in-person events, the need for virtual events was created. Because of this, we’ve pivoted to offer the Live2Lead conference virtually this year! We are more excited than ever to have the ability to bring Live2Lead to wherever you are. No limitations on travel, time-off, schedule conflicts- the potential is endless!

We want you to know just how incredible our sessions are going to be this year. We have 5 world-class leaders that will emphasize “The Call of Leadership”. The speakers will lean into takeaways on how we can go change the world, not single-handedly, but together.

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

What do you think of when you hear the word mindset?

Our mindsets shape our perspectives, guide our decisions, and greatly affect how we live our lives.

The dictionary definition of mindset is, “a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”