life purpose

3 Reasons to define your WHY

3 Reasons to define your WHY

Do you know your WHY? What is the unique purpose of your life?

John Maxwell once said, "When you find your why, you find your way." 

It's true – and you've heard me quote this before. 

Yet, finding your why can be challenging. And when things get complicated, sometimes people quit trying to figure them out. 

The greatest day in history

The greatest day in history

Today, I wanted to break from my usual routine of sending you helpful hints along your leadership journey and send you a pertinent message to your more significant journey -- the journey of life.

And as a head's up, I am writing to you on a very personal level today. I am talking about something very near and dear to my heart -- my faith. I respect wherever you may be on the faith continuum (and even if you're not on it at all), but today I want to share a core part of what makes me, me. 


I don't know your upbringing, and I don't pretend to know how easy or difficult your life was through your formative years.

What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you really want?

When you’re unclear on what you want, you lose focus — chasing diversions from your true purpose and potential. And, when ego steps into that picture, it’s a disaster.

Holiday asserts, “All of us waste precious life doing things we don’t like, to prove ourselves to people we don’t respect, and to get things we don’t want.”

What are you trading your life for? 📆

What are you trading your life for? 📆

How passionate are you about what you do for a living? Are you struggling with your current role or position within your organization?

Statistically speaking, you are not alone.

Many people are unhappy with their current employment. A staggering statistic from indicates that as many as 95% of workers are now considering changing their jobs.

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

If you’ve ever struggled with figuring out your personal vision, listen to this story

For most people I work with, the process of figuring out a vision for their future can be challenging. My guess is, you may have struggled with this as well.

And while it may be challenging (anything worthwhile is...ANYTHING), taking the time to get clear on a vision for any area of your life that is really important to you is...really important! Why? Well, because a powerful and clear vision provides you with both the direction you need and the emotional fuel or "pull power" you need to pursue and ultimately realize it.

Without a compelling vision, well, it's like the adage says, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." I know many people who fill their lives with an astonishing amount of activity but are devoid of purpose and direction. They are kind of adrift at sea.

Legacy Quotes | Steve Jobs -- and how to tell if you're in the right career...

Legacy Quotes | Steve Jobs -- and how to tell if you're in the right career...

We're all daytraders, not just the experts who ply their trade in the stock market. Think about it. What is your life? Your life is your time. And if your life is your time, then what are you trading your time for each day? The truth is every day, you and I exchange our time for a whole host of pursuits from eating, to surfing the internet, to volunteering, to watching TV, to hobbies, to exercise, and yes, to our jobs.

And how do you determine whether or not you are getting a good return on investment for those activities? I measure my return rate based on the level of fulfillment, purpose, and joy I receive. I know I'm getting a good return on investment if by doing these activities, that I am more...ALIVE to life itself.

What will you do with your one and only life?

What will you do with your one and only life?

If I asked you to define your purpose, could you do it?

Let me say this clearly: Your life (and my life) has deep meaning and significance. You have a purpose.

However, many people lack the clarity they need to move toward their purpose, causing missteps, misdirection, confusion, frustration, and a lack of feeling fulfilled in life.

Have you ever felt a lack of fulfillment?